Wednesday, November 21, 2018

God is Faithful

God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. (1 Cor. 1:9)

He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Phil. 1:6)

The other night I was sprawled out on the couch with my kids cuddled up in my lap as I read them a book. This was a special time for us – the nightly ritual of reading books before bedtime. But this time became extra special as the Spirit of God led us to talk about something that I had not planned.
We were reading, of all things, a silly yet thought-provoking book by Dr. Seuss – Horton Hatches the Egg. It’s a children’s classic that showcases an elephant named Horton who gets talked into sitting up in a tree on a tiny nest while the lazy bird flys south for a holiday. It’s quite uncomfortable and after a few days Horton thinks about quitting and climbing down out of the tree. But instead he says, “I meant what I said and I said what I meant, an elephant is faithful one hundred percent!”

Winter comes and icicles are hanging from poor Horton as well as the tree and still Horton faithfully sits on the egg. Spring comes with thunder and lightening but still Horton is faithful to his task. Friends come and mock him, calling him crazy for acting like a bird, but Horton simply declares, “I meant what I said and I said what I meant, an elephant is faithful one hundred percent!”

Summer arrives and hunters stumble upon him. Instead of shooting him, though, they laugh at such a ridiculous sight and decide to cart him away and sell him to the circus. Of course, Horton won’t budge out of his tree so they ship him – tree, nest, and elephant – across the ocean where he continues to sit upon his nest. Eventually, after nearly a year of sitting on his nest, the egg hatches and an elephant-bird pops out and a new species is born. Horton, true to form, reminds everyone around that, “I meant what I said and I said what I meant, an elephant is faithful one hundred percent!”

The book, even with its silly plot, teaches many life lessons that my kids and I had talked about before – the benefits of being faithful, the rewards of hard work, etc. But this time I asked my kids, “Who else do we know that is faithful?”

We talked about mom and dad and grandparents and their faithfulness before they finally got my point: God is faithful one hundred percent! We talked about Daniel and the lion’s den, David and Goliath, the fiery furnace, and other well-known Bible stories. We talked about God’s promises to protect us and provide for us and how we can trust what He says in the Bible to come true. After all, He said what He meant and He meant what He said, for our God is faithful one hundred percent!

The kids went to bed feeling happy and secure, knowing that their parents and their God would watch over them and provide for them. My wife and I, though, settled down in front of the fireplace and began to talk about how hard it is to have that childlike faith. After all, I had been discipling a young man whose life didn’t have a storybook ending – he went back to his alcoholism despite all my efforts. Another dear friend died of cancer even though we fasted and prayed with everything that was in us. Was God still faithful? Had He let us down?

In the natural, looking at only the temporal things of life, it appeared that God did let us down. But as we talked about God’s perspective and started looking at things in light of eternity, we realized that He not only didn’t let us down, He had made provision ahead of time. Our friend who had succumbed to cancer wasn’t gone forever, for she is with the Lord and we will see her soon enough. Jesus died and rose again for that very reason – that we who believe would share in his victory over death and the grave. Cancer was not victorious; it was simply a method the Lord used to bring His daughter home to Himself.

And when it comes to people making bad decisions with their life, the world is full of them and God has made provision for them as well. Jesus willingly went to the cross for that very reason – so that people like you and me can have a second chance and find new life in Him. I don’t know if my alcoholic friend ever came back to the Lord and got victory over the alcohol, but I know that God is faithful and the seeds that were planted during that time of his life will bear fruit. I trust the Lord to call my friend back to Himself and to break the chains that hold him back from becoming everything the Lord wants him to be. After all, Phil. 1:6 promises that “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Some people might say that I’m being naive or overly optimistic. I don’t think so. I think I am contending for that childlike faith that trusts in our Heavenly Father in the way that Jesus taught us. Remember, He meant what He said and He said what He meant. Our God is faithful one hundred percent!

Let’s Pray Together: Father God, help me to trust in You. I know that You are faithful; help me to rest in Your faithfulness. Help me to have childlike faith in Your protection, Your provision, and Your love for me. Thank you for Your mercy, Your grace, Your hand upon my life. Forgive me for when I have fallen short, and help me to get back up and live for You. Thank you that You are faithful even when I am not. I could use Your help in these issues I bring You now….(continue praying as you feel led)

Action Point: Take time today to count all the ways that God has been faithful to you. Begin with the great eternal things He has done for all of us (salvation, forgiveness, interceding for us, etc.) and then make it personal, thanking Him for His help when you needed it, His provision at just the right time, His intervention in your life, etc.

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