Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Godly Contentment Brings True Happiness

But godliness with contentment is great gain. (1 Timothy 6:6)

Sometimes it seems like some of the best illustrations come from children’s books. For example, the other night I was suddenly awakened by a crashing noise coming from the living room. I quickly arose and went out to see what happened. It was completely dark, didn’t sense anyone else in the room, and as I peered around the corner to look into the room I remembered the Winnie the Pooh scene where Pooh, “being a bear of very little brain,” went outside to see what the disturbance was. In Pooh’s case, he got bounced upon by Tigger but in my case there wasn’t a burglar but only a picture that had fallen from the wall.

But it got me to thinking and I laid in bed for awhile unable to sleep as I thought about it. How many times do we humans, being “humans of very little brain,” open the door to look at something that seems interesting or attractive or even scary? How many times do we go places we shouldn’t and check out what something is like when we know darn well that we shouldn’t?

Think about it for a minute. How many times has the average man gazed upon forbidden images and fantasized about women that aren’t his to have, only to find that he opened the door to discontentment, sexual dissatisfaction, and even impotence? And how many times has the average woman read the romance novel or watched the soap opera and then found her man to be lacking in the romance department? She opened the door to marital dissatisfaction and relationship envy without a second thought to where it might lead.

And what about those of us who like to compare and compete? You know what I mean, as most of us have fallen into this trap one time or another. We look at Facebook or listen to some gossip and then compare our lives to those of someone else. We tell ourselves, “if only I had his job” or “if only I had her house” then I would be happy. If only I had a newer car, more money, better neighborhood, better opportunities, better family background, better education, better this that or the other thing, then I would be happy. And then sometimes it gets even more personal. If I was better looking, if I wasn’t so dumb, if I wasn’t so lazy, if I wasn’t so unlucky, if I was married to someone else…..the list goes on. We open the door to dissatisfaction by comparing ourselves to some idealistic idea of other people’s lives.

Think about it. How many times have you opened the door to jealousy and covetousness instead of closing the door by being thankful for what you have? How many times have you opened the door to stress and anxiety instead of closing the door by casting your cares upon the Lord and trusting in Him? How many times have you opened the door to addiction by looking for comfort or escape in a bottle or a drug instead of turning to the God who created you and loves you with an undying love? How many times have you opened the door to loneliness instead of forgiving others and working hard to have healthy relationships?

I could go on, but you get the idea. Most all of us have opened the door to many things that wind up being harmful to us. So don’t beat yourself up over it. Instead, resolve to not even open the door to those things that bring you harm. And if you think it is too late, that you opened those doors long ago, then ask the Lord to help you close the doors and keep them closed.

Change the way you think, the way you live, the things you choose to do. If television or social media cause your thinking to go in a negative way, avoid them. If logging on to your computer tempts you to look at porn, use software that won’t allow porn sites. If going to certain locations or hanging out with certain people stumbles you, don’t go there. For me, when I was a young pastor who didn’t have much money, something as seemingly innocent as going to Best Buy was a stumbling block. If I went and looked at all the new tvs and laptop computers, my stuff seemed archaic and I felt poor and inadequate. But if I didn’t go there in the first place, I could be content with what I had. By not going there I kept the door closed to a whole line of negative thinking about myself and what I didn’t have and what I couldn’t afford.

So then, close those doors that lead to dissatisfaction, spiritual sickness, and even death. Open those doors that lead to peace, joy, and eternal life. Choose to love God instead of the things of this world. Set yourself to serve God and not the sinful pleasures that lead to addiction and emptiness. Put the needs of others ahead of your own instead of continually chasing after your own lusts. Take time to talk to God in prayer and passionately pursue a relationship with Him. Read or listen to His Word and allow Him to shape your life and guide your steps and guard your lips. Let your mind be renewed by the Word and your life transformed by His Spirit. Let His life flow into you and out to others.

As you close the door to those things that quench the Spirit and open the doors to things that bring life, you will be changed. You will discover that godly living with Christ-centered contentment does indeed bring great gain. You will no longer be a “human of very little brain” that opens the door to gaze longingly at worldly pleasures but will instead be a Spirit-filled saint of the Most High God who lives in the abundant life that Jesus offers – a life of unending love, unspeakable joy, and indescribable peace.

Let’s Pray Together: Lord, I confess that I have opened the door many times to things that have done me harm. Forgive me, and help me to keep those doors closed in the future. Help me to stay away from lust, covetousness, jealousy, rage, hatred, addictions, and all the other stuff that pulls me down. Help me to change my thinking and be transformed through the renewing of my mind, by spending time with You and reading Your Word. Lead me as I think about some practical steps I need to take, such as….(keep praying as you feel led).

Action Point: Identify those points in your life where you tend to open the door and go after things that will ultimately bring you harm even if they seem attractive or interesting at the time. Plan out the changes you are going to make in order to keep the door closed to things that are harmful. Set aside some time each day to spend time with God and invest in your relationship with Him.

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