Saturday, November 24, 2018

Lord Remember Me

Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:42-43)

Two criminals hung on crosses next to Jesus. Both witnessed first-hand the torture and execution of the Son of Man. They both saw the soldiers mocking Him, Mary mourning Him, the Man in agony as the wrath of God and the sins of the world came upon Him. Each of the criminals there, though in agony themselves, had a decision to make: Should I join in with the soldiers who don’t believe in Him and start making fun of Him? Or should I join Mary and the others who believe in Him? Or should I just watch from a distance and see what happens?

One criminal chose to mock Jesus and challenged Him to come down off the cross and save Himself and the criminals who were being crucified. The other decided to believe and he turned to Jesus and said, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”

The first criminal, by mocking Jesus and challenging Him, was basically saying, “I don’t believe you are the Son of God but I might believe in you if You do what I want you to do.” The second criminal, though, by asking Jesus to remember Him when He came into His kingdom, was acknowledging that Jesus was indeed a King and that he would submit to Him and be a part of His kingdom.

Catch the difference there? I hope so, for it is the difference between eternal death or eternal life. It is the difference between dead religion or a life-giving relationship with God through the cross of Christ. It is the difference between being separated from God forever or being with Him for all eternity.

And what it is that makes such a difference? It is the person’s approach to the Almighty. Do we mock Him, believing that we know best and declaring that if He does what we demand of Him, then we will put our faith in Him and maybe follow Him when it is convenient and beneficial for us? Or do we submit ourselves to Him, declaring that He is our King and the Lord of our lives?

Most all of us have been in the camp of the first criminal, telling God what He should do to make us believe in Him or to rescue us from the circumstances of our own bad choices. This is the wide road that leads to destruction and many people, even many church-goers, go down this road. They are the ones who Jesus tells, “Depart from me, for I never knew you.”

Only a few of us join the camp of the second criminal, accepting His lordship and entering into His kingdom by actively doing His will instead of our own. This is the narrow road that leads to eternal life, and few find it for it is the road of the cross. It is the road that requires picking up our own cross and following Jesus even when it costs us something. It is going the extra mile, turning the other cheek, giving to those who ask of us, loaning to the person who wants to borrow. It is loving people the way Jesus loved people and serving God sacrificially just as Jesus did.

The criminal on the cross who asked Jesus to remember him had it easy if you think about it. He died later that day and went to be with Jesus in Paradise even though he never did much for Him. He was like one of the workers hired late in the day who gets the same reward as those who worked most of the day. (See Jesus’ parable in Matthew 20 if you aren’t familiar with this story.)

Most of us are more like the workers hired earlier in the day; we give our lives to Christ while we still have some time left to serve Him. We tell Him, “Lord, I believe, remember me when you come into Your kingdom.” He replies, “My kingdom is upon you, go and spread the Gospel of My kingdom throughout the earth. Invite people to give their lives to Me. Pray that My will would be done on earth just as it is in heaven. Teach them to pray as I taught you. Proclaim freedom for those who are imprisoned by sins and addictions. Heal the sick, deliver the demon-possessed, and proclaim life to the dying. My kingdom is here now, starting like a little mustard seed or a little bit of leaven, and it will grow and fill the whole earth and you get to be a part of it! So go and proclaim My kingdom and make some disciples!”

I don’t know about you, but even though I have said it many times before, I am ready to say, “Lord, remember me when you come into Your kingdom in all its fullness. And remember me today as I endeavor to live for You, to do Your will here on earth just as it is in heaven.”

Let’s Pray Together: Lord, remember me when you come into Your kingdom and remember me as we go out into the world together. Help me to proclaim Your Good News boldly and faithfully. Give me faith to pray for people and to see Your kingdom and Your will be done. Give me strength and courage to live for You, to obey You even when it costs me something or I would rather not. You are my king and I gladly give You my life….(keep praying as you feel led...)

Action Point: Respond to Jesus today. Get serious about making Him your King. Resolve to be a follower of Jesus, taking up your cross and laying down your life for the Kingdom and for the sake of others. Read Matthew Chapters 5-7 and other teachings of Jesus and ask Him how to live it out in our modern day culture.

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